The Perfect Human Being


“The Perfect Human Being,” a thought-provoking and ambitious documentary series produced by VPRO, invites viewers on a captivating journey into the realm of scientific possibilities that could reshape the very essence of human existence. Hosted by writer and interviewer Bas Heijne, the series brings together a distinguished panel of renowned scientists, philosophers, and technological innovators to delve into the moral and ethical implications of manipulating nature’s processes.

With each episode, “The Perfect Human Being” offers intriguing insights into the potential future of our species. Biomedical gerontologist Aubrey De Grey challenges our perception of aging as an inevitable disease, advocating for medical advancements to reverse its effects. In Turkey, a fertility clinic raises complex questions about reproductive choices, as couples legally select the sex of their child. Philosopher and biochemist Julian Savulesco explores the concept of human enhancement, envisioning a future where we can design “perfect” babies by altering their genetic makeup, including specific traits and abilities.

Throughout the series, “The Perfect Human Being” fearlessly tackles the moral dilemmas and ethical considerations surrounding these scientific advancements. It raises important questions about the boundaries of scientific curiosity and the potential risks of disrupting the natural order. Should we embrace the power to shape our own evolution, or are there limits we should respect as a species?

What sets this documentary series apart is its refusal to provide easy answers. Instead, it invites viewers to contemplate the very essence of humanity and the responsibility we hold in shaping our future. By presenting diverse perspectives and thought-provoking insights, “The Perfect Human Being” challenges us to reflect on our values, beliefs, and the potential consequences of our actions.

“The Perfect Human Being” is a compelling exploration of the intersection between science, ethics, and the definition of being human. As we navigate a world where the boundaries of human potential are being pushed, this thought-provoking series invites us to contemplate our role in shaping the future and to grapple with the complex decisions that lie ahead.

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