The Right to Roam


Unwanted, marginalized, and defiant – the Roma people have been subjected to centuries of persecution and discrimination throughout Europe. In recent years, they have become a target of governments across the continent, with France and Italy leading the charge in mass deportations and accusations of crime.

This powerful documentary takes a closer look at the Roma people and their plight, shining a light on their struggles to find a place to call home. Despite facing discrimination and limited opportunities in their countries of origin, they have taken advantage of EU laws that allow freedom of travel, seeking a better life in the West.

But their arrival has not always been met with open arms. The growing hostility towards the Roma people has forced EU policy makers to confront the issue and find a balance between the rights of the Roma and the concerns of local populations.

Through personal stories and expert interviews, “The Right to Roam” presents a nuanced and empathetic portrayal of the Roma people, shedding light on the challenges they face and the complexities of their situation. It’s a must-watch for anyone interested in human rights, social justice, and the struggle for belonging in today’s Europe.

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