The Shadow of the Templars


In the 1979 documentary “The Shadow of the Templars,” viewers are taken on a journey of discovery through the eyes of British scriptwriter Henry Lincoln and co-researcher Michael Baigent. The film explores the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau, a small French village where a poor priest, Berenger Sauniere, discovered ancient coded parchments in his church. The documentary delves into the occult groups and ecclesiastical authorities that Sauniere met with in Paris, leading to his sudden wealth and leaving many questions unanswered.

The documentary also reveals that the mountain top of Rennes-le-Chateau, along with four other adjacent mountain tops, creates a precise pentagram, and an interlocking geometry of circles, alignments, and stars that extend for miles into the surrounding countryside. The positioning of churches, chateaux, and other landmarks is also a significant factor in this enigma.

This film provides a fascinating look at the mystery that captivated the world and led to the production of two prior documentaries, “The Lost Treasure of Jerusalem” in 1972 and “The Priest, the Painter and the Devil” in 1974. The controversy surrounding the Holy Blood Holy Grail, and the subsequent international bestseller by Henry, Michael, and the late Richard Leigh, add to the intrigue of the story.

“The Shadow of the Templars” provides an insightful and captivating look into the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau, offering a unique perspective on the story. This documentary is a must-watch for those interested in historical mysteries, secret societies, and the intersection of religion and politics.

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