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The War on Humans

In recent years, a growing movement has emerged that seeks to devalue human life in the name of saving the planet. The documentary ‘The War on Humans’ exposes this dangerous agenda and reveals the true motives of those who seek to reduce the human population and grant legal rights to animals and even plants.

At the heart of this movement is the belief that humans are the enemy of the planet and that we must be controlled and reduced in number in order to save the earth. This is a dangerous and misguided view that threatens our very existence as a species.

‘The War on Humans’ explores the views of anti-human activists who seek to grant legal rights to animals, plants, and even the earth itself. They argue that humans are not the most important beings on the planet and that our needs and desires must be subordinated to those of other species.

These activists also believe that reducing the human population is necessary to save the planet. Some even advocate for a reduction of up to 90 percent of the human population in order to achieve their goals. This is a truly alarming and frightening vision for the future of humanity.

One of the most troubling aspects of this movement is the way it devalues human life. If we are not the most important beings on the planet, then what is our value? Should we have constitutional rights, or should those rights be reserved for animals and plants? These are the questions that ‘The War on Humans’ explores.

The documentary also highlights the dangers of this movement to our way of life. If humans are seen as the enemy of the planet, then we are more likely to be controlled and restricted in our activities. This could lead to a loss of freedom and a decrease in the quality of life for all people.

‘The War on Humans’ is a powerful documentary that raises important questions about the value of human life and the dangers of devaluing it in the name of environmentalism. It is essential viewing for anyone who cares about the future of humanity and the planet we call home.

In conclusion, the anti-human agenda is a real and growing threat to our way of life. We must stand up against those who seek to devalue human life and protect our rights and freedoms. ‘The War on Humans’ is an important tool in this fight and a wake-up call for all who care about the future of humanity.