“The Wildest Dream: Conquest of Everest” is an awe-inspiring film that takes us on an incredible journey through the intersecting stories of George Mallory, the first man to attempt a summit of Mount Everest, and Conrad Anker, the mountaineer who finds Mallory’s frozen remains 75 years later. The film is an ambitious and visually stunning project that captures the beauty and danger of one of the world’s most treacherous mountains.
The film begins with the story of George Mallory, a British mountaineer who was determined to conquer the highest peak in the world. In 1924, Mallory and his climbing partner, Andrew Irvine, embarked on an expedition to reach the summit of Everest. Despite the many challenges they faced, Mallory and Irvine were determined to make history by becoming the first men to reach the top. However, their fate remains a mystery as they were last seen just 800 feet from the summit and were never seen again.
The film then shifts to the present day, where we follow Conrad Anker, a seasoned mountaineer who is on a mission to uncover the truth about Mallory and Irvine’s fate. Anker discovers Mallory’s frozen remains high on the mountain, and the film takes us on a journey to uncover the truth about their final moments. Through breathtaking footage of the mountain and interviews with experts, the film provides a fascinating look into the history of climbing on Everest and the challenges that climbers still face today.