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There’s No 3G In Heaven

One suicide is a disaster, but what happens when a neighborhood is shattered by an array of suicides, one after another, all of them teenagers? Do the parents secretly mourn, apprehensive that articulating their anguish could result in more suicides? Or does the people come together, so that parents can tell their narratives and in turn do something to battle the depression and its ramifications? Until now, generally agreed insight has been to plainly minimize the talks about the suicides but in speaking to people who’ve lost children, reporter Liz Jackson found that teenagers are in fact talking about the suicides constantly on Facebook. Social media has the power to change attitude, for better or worse, and it’s now acknowledged that suicide avoidance tactics need to deal with this. As one parent makes it clear, it was only after the suicide of her daughter that she found out that her child had been debating her despair and self-destructive thoughts on Facebook. When calls and messages kept coming the mother was forced to answer:”Can everyone please stop calling and messaging (my daughter). She doesn’t have her phone. I do. And by the way there is no 3G in heaven. “This documentary elaborates the story about one district in a an Australian city where the danger of repeated suicides among teenagers became so big that parents and authorities, joined by psychologists, held an old-school municipal conference to allow the parents and friends of the victims to tell their sides of the stories. It was a brave and dubious step but it was the only way they thought they could deal with the problem. In doing so they believed they could break the horrible graveyard silence and find a way to challenge this mute adversary.

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