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What is INDIE?

In the world of independent art, the term “indie” has taken on a certain mystique. It conjures images of cool, underground musicians and filmmakers creating works that are too raw, too real, and too edgy for mainstream audiences. But what does it really mean to be indie? In his new documentary, “RAW! The Full ‘What is INDIE’ Interview,” Montreal-based artist Tim takes a hard look at the traditional indie movement and questions whether its proponents are truly destined for greatness or if they’re simply mired in mediocrity.

Tim’s approach is both confrontational and thought-provoking. He challenges artists to break free of the traditional dogma and philosophy often associated with the indie movement, arguing that adherence to these ideals can actually hinder creative growth and limit the potential for success. Instead, Tim advocates for a more open-minded approach to art and encourages artists to explore new avenues of expression and experimentation.

The documentary features interviews with a range of indie artists, each with their own unique take on what it means to be indie. Some argue that indie is all about authenticity and being true to oneself, while others believe it’s about rebelling against mainstream culture and forging a new path. Still others see indie as a marketing term that’s been co-opted by the music and film industries to sell a certain image.

What’s clear from these interviews is that there’s no one-size-fits-all definition of indie. It’s a term that means different things to different people, and that’s part of its appeal. But Tim argues that this lack of clarity can also be a hindrance, as it allows artists to fall back on cliches and tropes rather than forging their own unique path.

Overall, “RAW! The Full ‘What is INDIE’ Interview” is a thought-provoking and challenging documentary that will push artists to question their assumptions about what it means to be indie. While some may find Tim’s approach too confrontational, there’s no denying that his message is an important one. If you’re an independent artist looking to break free of the traditional indie mold, this documentary is definitely worth a watch.