What the Bible Got Wrong: A Flat Earth


“What The Bible Got Wrong: A Flat Earth” takes viewers on an intellectual journey into the depths of ancient Hebrew cosmology as depicted in the Bible. This thought-provoking documentary delves into the intriguing concept of a flat earth, as described within the biblical text, and the various apologetic defenses that some Christians employ to argue that these descriptions are not inaccuracies but rather profound observations under divine guidance.

At the heart of this exploration is the examination of the ancient Hebrew cosmology of a flat earth, as intricately interwoven within the narrative of the Bible. The film dissects the Genesis creation story, offering insights into how this foundational account aligns with a unique flat-earth viewpoint. What might appear unconventional from a modern perspective unfolds as a coherent and logical sequence within the context of a flat-earth cosmology.

The documentary also delves into the Hebrew perception of celestial bodies, revealing their belief in the relatively modest size and significance of these luminous entities. Through a meticulous analysis of the order of creation and the celestial bodies’ positional relationships, the Genesis creation story provides captivating clues that shed light on the intricate relationship between Earth and the cosmos, as envisioned by ancient Hebrews.

The film prompts contemplation about the intricate relationship between religious texts and scientific understanding. By revisiting the biblical perspectives on cosmology, viewers are invited to explore the cultural and historical contexts that shaped these ancient viewpoints. The documentary fosters a deeper understanding of how interpretations of religious texts can evolve, bridging the gap between ancient perspectives and contemporary scientific insights.

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