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Who Killed Rasputin?

The death of Rasputin, the infamous Russian spiritual advisor, has long been shrouded in mystery and speculation. But a recent BBC Timewatch investigation has uncovered new evidence that suggests a different story than the accepted version of events. Using intelligence historian Andrew Cook as a consultant, the program delves into the possibility that Rasputin was murdered in a plot hatched by rogue members of the British Secret Service, with a fatal shot fired by Secret Agent Oswald Rayner.

In addition, former Metropolitan Police Commander Richard Cullen was brought on to re-examine the original autopsy reports and found discrepancies in the official explanation of Rasputin’s death. The accepted version states that he was poisoned, shot, and drowned by a group of disaffected aristocrats, led by Prince Felix Yusupov, concerned about Rasputin’s influence on Tsar Nicholas II and his wife Tsarina Alexandra. But Cullen’s forensic examination of key autopsy photographs raises questions about this narrative.

This in-depth investigation offers a fresh perspective on the death of Rasputin and challenges the long-held beliefs about his demise. Join us as we uncover the truth behind one of history’s most enduring mysteries.