Witness – Mohamad at Eton


In the documentary “Witness – Mohamad At Eton,” viewers are taken on an emotional journey alongside Mohamad Fahed, a 16-year-old Palestinian refugee who receives an all-expenses-paid scholarship to attend Eton College, one of the most prestigious private schools in the world. The film follows Mohamad through his first year at the school as he adjusts to a completely different environment from the refugee camp where he grew up.

Mohamad is an incredibly charismatic and thoughtful young man with a dream of becoming a genetic engineer. The scholarship to Eton opens up opportunities for him that he never thought were possible, but it also means leaving behind his family and everything he has ever known. The film captures the inevitable homesickness and struggles that come with adjusting to a new culture, including adapting to the unique uniform, food, and traditions of the school.

Through interviews and footage, “Witness – Mohamad At Eton” offers a glimpse into the world of Eton College and the privileged students who attend it. However, what makes this film particularly special is the way it showcases Mohamad’s perseverance and determination to succeed in spite of his humble beginnings. He is a reminder that talent and potential exist in all corners of the world, regardless of socioeconomic status or background.

One of the most powerful moments in the documentary is when Mohamad speaks with a group of students about his experience living in a refugee camp. The students are visibly moved and gain a newfound appreciation for the opportunities they have been given. It is a poignant reminder of the importance of empathy and understanding in a world where so many people are struggling to make a better life for themselves.

Overall, “Witness – Mohamad At Eton” is a heartwarming and inspiring documentary that highlights the power of education and the resilience of the human spirit. It is a must-see for anyone who has ever felt limited by their circumstances and a reminder that with hard work and determination, anything is possible.

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