Witness – Stranded – The Stateless Haitians


In the gripping documentary “Witness – Stranded – The Stateless Haitians,” we are confronted with the harsh realities faced by many Haitians living in the Dominican Republic. Forced to flee their home country in search of a better life, they have found refuge in the sugar cane fields of their neighbor to the east.

However, their hopes for a better life have been shattered by recent government policies that threaten to deport them back to Haiti, a country still reeling from natural disasters and political turmoil. For many Haitians in the DR, this would mean being torn away from their families and livelihoods, forced to start anew in a country they no longer call home.

But the situation is even more dire for those who are left stranded, unable to return to Haiti but also unable to secure legal status in the DR. They are forced to live outside the law, vulnerable to exploitation and abuse, with no access to education, healthcare, or basic human rights.

Through powerful testimonies and stunning visuals, “Witness – Stranded – The Stateless Haitians” shines a light on the human cost of immigration policies and the struggle for survival faced by those on the margins of society.

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