One Minute To Nine


Domestic abuse is a devastating reality for far too many individuals and families. The documentary “One Minute to Nine” sheds light on the harrowing experience of Wendy Maldonado, who after over 20 years of violence and abuse at the hands of her husband, took the difficult decision to end his life to protect herself and her children.

The film offers a raw and eye-opening portrayal of the effects of domestic abuse and the choices made by those caught in its grasp. Drawing heavily on video footage captured by the abuser, “One Minute to Nine” takes us through Wendy’s final days of freedom before her incarceration for the murder of her husband.

This documentary serves as a stark reminder of the gravity of the issue and the need for society to come together to combat domestic abuse. The film’s ability to shed light on this widespread problem in an impactful and thought-provoking way makes it a must-see for anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding of the complexities and consequences of domestic violence.

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