What Makes a Genius?


The documentary “What Makes A Genius?” delves into the age-old question of what truly defines a person as a genius. Professor Marcus du Sautoy, a renowned mathematician, embarks on a journey to uncover the secrets behind the exceptional minds of some of the world’s most extraordinary individuals.

At the heart of the film is the question of whether geniuses possess unique brain structures, or if their abilities can be attributed to a heightened level of certain innate abilities. To explore this, the professor meets with a diverse group of geniuses including Tommy, an artist who has transformed his entire home into an elaborate work of art, and Derek, a blind and autistic pianist with prodigious talents.

One of the most compelling segments of the film is when Marcus examines the abilities of babies and young children, highlighting how many of us possess remarkable talents early on in life, but lose them as we grow older. This raises the question of whether a lack of nurturing and encouragement can hinder the development of these abilities, and if geniuses simply have the luck of being surrounded by the right people and circumstances.

The film also delves into the latest scientific research on the topic, including the identification of a gene for learning and the use of electrical stimulation to enhance cognitive abilities. One of the most intriguing studies highlighted is that of Dr. Paulus, who has discovered a way to boost brain function through the use of electrical stimulation.

Throughout the film, Professor du Sautoy’s passion for uncovering the truth about what makes a genius is evident. He challenges preconceived notions and encourages viewers to question their own understanding of the topic. The film ultimately leaves us with the realization that the concept of genius is multifaceted and difficult to define, but provides a thought-provoking and in-depth exploration of the subject.

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