A Portrait of Pat Carey


“A Portrait of Pat Carey” is a film that delves into the life and motivations of one of the most dynamic figures in the San Francisco art scene. Pat Carey, a former Hollywood studio artist turned gallery owner, is a true force to be reckoned with.

This biographical documentary takes a deep dive into Carey’s life experiences and the internal drive that led her to become a prominent figure in the art world. It explores her journey from working for major Hollywood studios to opening her own gallery in the Bay Area, and how her unique perspective has shaped her work.

The film is a fascinating glimpse into the mind and creative process of a true artist and activist. Carey’s story is a testament to the power of perseverance, determination, and the pursuit of one’s passions. It is an inspiring and thought-provoking film that is sure to leave a lasting impression on its viewers.

“A Portrait of Pat Carey” is a film that is not to be missed by art enthusiasts and anyone looking for inspiration to pursue their own dreams.

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