Consciousness: Searching for the Mind
"Consciousness: Searching For The Mind" embarks on a captivating journey led by Professor Marcus du Sautoy, as he ventures into the depths of one...
Status Anxiety
"Status Anxiety" is a thought-provoking and intellectually stimulating documentary that delves into the intricate relationship between money, happiness, and the quest for significance. Alain...
Phantoms in the Brain
"Phantoms in the Brain" embarks on a captivating exploration of the enigmatic human mind, unraveling its mysteries through the lens of neurological anomalies. Guided...
Captive Minds: Hypnosis and Beyond
The human mind has always been a subject of great intrigue, its complexities and potentials often leading us into uncharted territories. Among the most...
Multiple Personalities
Step back in time with this rare research film from the 1920s, delving into the extraordinary world of "Multiple Personalities." Witness the fascinating case...
The Brain
Prepare to delve into the depths of the human mind in 'The Brain,' a mesmerizing History Channel special that unravels the enigmatic complexities of...
The Man With The 7 Second Memory
In the thought-provoking documentary "The Man With the 7 Second Memory," viewers are invited to delve into the extraordinary life of Clive, a man...
Are You Good or Evil?
"Are You Good or Evil?" ventures into the depths of human nature, probing the fundamental question that has haunted philosophers, theologians, and scientists for...
The Case of ESP
In the vast tapestry of human experiences, there exist phenomena that defy conventional explanation. Among them stands the enigma of extrasensory perception (ESP), a...
Reality and the Extended Mind
In the intriguing domain of human consciousness and perception, the feature-length documentary, 'Reality and the Extended Mind,' emerges as a captivating exploration. The film,...