The Suicide Club – South Africa

The documentary "The Suicide Club - South Africa" takes a poignant and deeply troubling look at the phenomenon of teenage suicide in the country....


Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) affects millions of people worldwide and can be a debilitating condition to live with. However, there is hope for those...

The Brain: A Secret History – Mind Control

"The Brain: A Secret History" delves into the fascinating and at times disturbing world of experimental psychology, providing a comprehensive examination of the attempts...

The Brain: Our Universe Within

"The Brain: Our Universe Within" takes audiences on a captivating journey into the depths of the human mind, exploring its complexities, mysteries, and profound...

Secrets of the Mind

They’re not common, but there are people in this world who have profoundly different experiences of reality than you and I have. People who...

Transsexual in Iran

Be Like Others (also known as Transsexual in Iran) is a 2008 documentary film written and directed by Tanaz Eshaghian about transsexuals in Iran....

Guys and Dolls

A decade ago, a small company in California began creating hyper-realistic dolls for sale. These dolls are more than just a sex toy for...

The Brain

Prepare to delve into the depths of the human mind in 'The Brain,' a mesmerizing History Channel special that unravels the enigmatic complexities of...

I Am Fishead: Are Corporate Leaders Psychopaths?

Who, or what, is a psychopath? Unlike Hollywood's stereotypical image, they are not always blood-thirsty monsters from slasher movies. Actually, that nice lady who...

The Woman who thinks like a Cow

Autism, a neurological disorder that affects millions of individuals around the world, has been the subject of countless studies, theories, and discussions. However, few...
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