My Own Choice
"My Own Choice" is a deeply contemplative documentary that delves into the complex and controversial topic of assisted suicide. It invites viewers to confront...
Pleasure and Pain
In the documentary "Pleasure and Pain," Michael Mosley takes a deep dive into the science behind our experiences. From the moment we are born,...
The London Perambulator
The London Perambulator is a fascinating exploration of the liminal spaces and edgelands of London, and the man behind the quest to uncover their...
Animal Imitators
The world is full of interesting and unusual subcultures, and one of the most fascinating is that of animal imitators. These individuals take their...
Natascha: The Girl In The Cellar
"Natascha: The Girl in the Cellar" is a harrowing and compelling documentary that tells the story of Natascha Kampusch, who was kidnapped and held...
Inside Broadmoor
"Inside Broadmoor" is a gripping documentary that offers a rare glimpse into Britain's highest security psychiatric hospital. The hospital is best known for its...
The concept of telepathy, the supposed ability to communicate thoughts and emotions directly between minds, has captivated humans for centuries. While many people dismiss...
James May: Things You Need To Know: About The Brain
Are you interested in exploring the fascinating world of the brain and how it shapes our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors? Then you won't want...
Web of Hate
In today's digital age, the internet has become an integral part of our daily lives. With the convenience of technology comes the darker side...
Glory Days: My Life As A Sniper
"Glory Days: My Life As A Sniper" is a compelling and thought-provoking documentary that takes us on a journey through the eyes of Sgt....