Planet X – Nibiru – Genesis Revisited

Civilizations 6000 Years BC Knew About Solar System And Planet X -Nibiru.

A Question of Miracles: Faith Healing

In the thought-provoking documentary "A Question of Miracles," viewers are invited on an enlightening journey that exposes the intricate web of deception surrounding the...

The Days of Genesis

Some try to argue that the days of Genesis were much longer periods of time than 24 hours each. In this production, the bible...

The Atheism Tapes – Part 6 – Daniel Dennett

In the realm of intellectual exploration, few subjects are as captivating and contemplative as the question of belief or, more precisely, disbelief. "The Atheism...

What The Bleep!? Down The Rabbit Hole

Prepare to embark on a mind-bending journey as What the Bleep!? Down the Rabbit Hole takes you deep into the enigmatic intersection of science,...


"Rastamentary" is a captivating independent documentary that offers a fresh and insightful exploration of Rastafarianism, delving into its principles and beliefs in a manner...

From Christian to Atheist

In this video, the film maker explains why he is no longer a Christian, why the claims of Christianity are not true, why many...

Louis Theroux: Fundamentalist Christianity

In the thought-provoking documentary "Louis Theroux: Fundamentalist Christianity," the renowned journalist and filmmaker embarks on a captivating journey into the world of extreme religious...

Secret Bible

Join us on a journey through time and explore the mysterious world of the legendary medieval order – the Knights Templar. Their stories have...

Decoding the Past: Secrets of the Kabbalah

Once exclusively reserved for study by ultra-religious male scholars of Judaism, Kabbalah has recently become known as a multi-million dollar, celebrity-endorsed phenomenon. SECRETS OF...
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