The Prey: Silence in the Name of God

One day in 1980 two priests came to Spotorno, Italy. two young priests. They soon began arranging some activities for children. Francesco Zanardi was...

The Path of Compassion

The Path of Compassion' depicts the Buddhist heritage of India by visiting the ancient Buddhist sites located within the country. The story of Buddha...

Light at the Edge of the World: Science of the Mind

A production made by the Nation Geographical Society. With host,Wade Davis, this show explores the state of Tibetan Buddhism inNepal, which is a huge...

Atheism and Critical Thinking

This is a web series by a UK artist and secular humanist (QualiaSoup) discussing critical thinking, science, philosophy and the natural world. He discusses...

Zeitgeist Addendum

Zeitgeist Addendum, attempts to locate the root causes of this pervasive social corruption, while offering a solution. This solution is not based on politics,...

Excavating the Empty Tomb

If you are looking for truth, reason, logic and solid information about Christianity and the Bible, then stick around. The author is an ex-Christian...

The Krishna Calling

Hare Krishna Religous Cult Documentary. The Krishna Calling: 1980 British television, documenting the lives of the devotees who had joined the ISKCON Soho Street...

The Atheism Tapes

Jonathan Miller interviews five atheists and one theologian on the subject of atheism.

Quick Answers

This biographical documentary profiles Sheikh Abdullah Hakim Quick, who lives and currently runs the Discover Islam Centre in Cape Town, South Africa. Dr Abdullah...

Dawkins on Religion

An interview with the world's most famous atheist, professor Richard Dawkins, on whether religion is good or evil. Muslims riot and protest against the...
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