Child Prostitution – South Africa


The documentary “Child Prostitution – South Africa” offers a stark and disturbing glimpse into the world of child prostitution in the country. The film follows the lives of impoverished township children for whom prostitution is a means of survival.

The film is an unflinching portrayal of the brutal realities of child prostitution. We follow one young girl on a job and confront her white client, who denies knowing how old she was and demands his money back. The documentary also highlights the challenges faced by social workers and police in tackling this pervasive issue.

According to the film, nobody knows how many children are working the streets, but it is clear that poverty and lack of opportunities are major contributing factors. For many children, prostitution is all they can do to survive. The local police have given up chasing clients because they know that catching them is only a temporary solution. Instead, social workers try to take the children into homes, but the numbers they can help are small, and most turn back to prostitution.

The documentary raises important questions about the root causes of child prostitution and the challenges of finding solutions. It highlights the urgent need for greater support and resources for vulnerable children in South Africa. It is a sobering reminder of the devastating impact of poverty and inequality on the lives of young people.

Overall, “Child Prostitution – South Africa” is a powerful and important film that sheds light on a dark and pervasive issue. By exposing the brutal realities of child prostitution, the film highlights the urgent need for action to address the root causes of this devastating phenomenon. It is a call to action for policymakers, social workers, and all those who care about the welfare of children in South Africa.

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