Crash Course – World History – Mesopotamia


The Crash Course – World History – Mesopotamia is a fascinating documentary that takes you on a journey through time, exploring the ancient civilizations that rose around the Fertile Crescent. The film offers a comprehensive look at Mesopotamia, including its birth of territorial kingdoms, empires, and early civilization.

One of the most intriguing aspects of the documentary is its exploration of Neo-Assyrian torture tactics. The film delves into the gruesome practices of the Neo-Assyrian Empire, which used torture as a means of control and punishment. Viewers are given a graphic look at some of the methods employed, including impalement and flaying, and are left with a sobering understanding of the brutality of ancient empires.

Another fascinating topic explored in the documentary is sacred marriages. Mesopotamian society placed great importance on the practice of sacred marriages, which involved a high priestess and a king engaging in a sexual union that was believed to be a divine act. This tradition was thought to have profound religious and political implications, and the film offers an insightful look into its role in ancient society.

The documentary also examines ancient labor practices, revealing how the Mesopotamians developed innovative methods for organizing and managing labor in order to build their impressive structures and maintain their empires. Viewers are given a glimpse into the daily lives of the workers who built these structures, including the construction of the world-famous Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

Another notable topic explored in the documentary is the world’s first law code, which was created in ancient Mesopotamia. The Code of Hammurabi was a set of laws that established guidelines for behavior and punishment within society, and the film delves into the significance of this code and its lasting impact on Western legal systems.

Finally, the documentary offers a personal touch, as John shares the great failed romance of his undergrad years. While not directly related to Mesopotamian history, this anecdote adds a humanizing element to the film and reminds viewers that history is made up of real people with real stories.

Overall, the Crash Course – World History – Mesopotamia is an engaging and informative documentary that offers a comprehensive look at one of the world’s most ancient and fascinating civilizations. Its exploration of topics such as Neo-Assyrian torture tactics, sacred marriages, ancient labor practices, and the Code of Hammurabi make it a must-watch for anyone interested in history, culture, or anthropology.

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