Dogfighting Undercover


Dogfighting is a brutal and inhumane practice that is often used for entertainment and financial gain. “Dogfighting Undercover” is a BBC documentary that provides an in-depth look into the secretive and dangerous world of international dogfighting through the lens of an undercover investigation.

For 18 months, a BBC undercover team worked alongside dogfighting gangs in the UK and Europe, capturing on camera the horrific violence of organized fights. The film also exposes the illegal trade of American pitbull terriers, a breed specifically bred for fighting and now banned in many countries, including the UK and Europe, that are being sold into inner-city areas by these criminal gangs.

The documentary is a sobering reminder of the cruelty and violence that is happening behind closed doors. It shines a light on the dark and brutal world of dogfighting and the illegal trade of banned dog breeds that are being sold into inner-city areas. It is a must-watch for anyone who cares about animal welfare and the fight against animal cruelty.

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