Facing South: The Cult Business


1987. Recruitment activity in Brighton; L. Ron Hubbard; footage of auditing; opposition to Psychiatry; suicide of Rita (surname? ) after she was scared away from psychiatric help. Disconnection policy; Lily family; Hubbard’s lies about his background; Russell Miller’s “Bare-Faced Messiah”; financial deception. National income of 55,000 per week; use of money for Hubbard’s personal benefit; ex-members Steve Bisbey and Morag Bellmaine; neglect of children; recruitment of “raw meat”; undercover recording of selling; “Candid Albicans Advice Centre” and “G&G Vitamns” as gateways to Scientology; uniformed Sea Org. Harassment policy against critics; Dead Agenting and Fair Game; use of private detectives against detractors; Greenfields School; ex-member Marcus Allen’s SP declare; Margaret Hodkin expels Alexander Allen as punishment for his father’s disobedience.

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