In the aftermath of the devastating earthquake that claimed over 200,000 lives in Haiti, Avi Lewis delves deep into the debates surrounding the rebuilding efforts of the island nation. The film, “Fault Lines: Haiti – The Politics of Rebuilding,” sheds light on the challenges faced by the Haitian people and the government in the face of this crisis.
The film follows Lewis as he navigates the complicated world of politics and reconstruction in Haiti. As he investigates the root causes of the disaster, Lewis discovers that the struggles faced by Haiti are not just limited to the physical destruction caused by the earthquake. The politics of rebuilding have become a critical aspect of the nation’s recovery process, and the film sheds light on the various parties involved in this effort and the motives behind their actions.
The film is a testament to the power of journalism to bring to light the hidden truths that often lie behind major events. Lewis’s unwavering dedication to uncovering the truth and his commitment to exposing the issues faced by Haiti provide a fresh perspective on the current state of the nation. The film is a must-see for anyone interested in understanding the complexities of disaster recovery and the political forces at play in Haiti.