Salt & Pepper


Family traditions are often hidden gems that go unnoticed, but a new short story documentary, ‘Salt & Pepper,’ brings one such tradition to light. The film’s director, Keith Rivers, was intrigued by a craigslist ad announcing the sale of over 2,000 pairs of salt and pepper shakers at a family estate sale. Upon further investigation, he discovered that the collection of salt and pepper shakers was a multi-decade-old family tradition.

The film tells the story of the family and their tradition through a treasure trove of old super 8 footage and interviews with family members. The film captures the charm and nostalgia of the family’s tradition and the way it has brought them together over the years. The film also delves into the personal stories and memories of each family member and how the tradition has impacted their lives.

The film is beautifully shot and edited, with excellent pacing and storytelling that keeps the viewer engaged throughout. The use of archival footage adds to the overall impact of the film, providing a deeper understanding of the family and their tradition.

Overall, ‘Salt & Pepper’ is a charming and nostalgic film that brings to light the hidden gems of family tradition. It is a must-watch for anyone interested in exploring the ways in which family traditions shape our lives and bring us together.

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