Fault Lines: Tea Party, Big Money, Twisted Maps


Welcome to a gripping documentary that will take you on a journey through the heart of American politics. “Fault Lines: Tea Party, Big Money, Twisted Maps” is an insightful exploration of two states – Nevada and Florida, where political polarization and economic uncertainty have led to a fractured society.

As you watch this documentary, you will be drawn into the fascinating world of American politics, where big money and political power collide. Through the lens of presenter Avi Lewis, you will gain an understanding of the complex web of political alliances, interest groups, and lobbying efforts that shape the political landscape of these two states.

Lewis travels to Nevada, where the Tea Party movement has gained significant traction, to understand why this group has been able to mobilize such a passionate following. He explores the roots of this movement and its impact on the state’s political scene. The documentary also sheds light on how the Tea Party’s agenda has been shaped by big money and influential donors.

Moving on to Florida, Lewis delves into the state’s economic struggles and how this has impacted its political landscape. The documentary highlights the stark differences between the wealthy and the working-class and how this divide has fueled political polarization. With the help of interviews and expert analysis, Lewis provides a nuanced perspective on the state’s economic and political challenges.

“Fault Lines: Tea Party, Big Money, Twisted Maps” is a thought-provoking documentary that will leave you with a deeper understanding of the American political system. It is a must-watch for anyone interested in the forces shaping modern-day politics.

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