From Glasgow to Detroit


Are you ready to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing post-industrial cities? Look no further than “From Glasgow to Detroit.”

This documentary explores the similarities and differences between Glasgow, Scotland, and Detroit, Michigan, two post-industrial cities looking for new directions. The film follows urban gardeners from Glasgow as they visit Detroit’s city farms, and highlights the ways in which these communities are using sustainable farming practices to revitalize their neighborhoods.

One of the strengths of “From Glasgow to Detroit” is its ability to provide a nuanced look at the topic. The film features interviews with community leaders, urban farmers, and experts, providing a diverse range of perspectives on the challenges and opportunities facing post-industrial cities.

The film is visually striking, with footage of the cities of Glasgow and Detroit, urban gardens, and interviews with experts and members of the community. The editing is masterful, with the filmmakers weaving together different threads to create a cohesive and powerful narrative.

Overall, “From Glasgow to Detroit” is a thought-provoking and powerful film that is not to be missed. It will leave you with a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing post-industrial cities, and the ways in which sustainable farming practices can be used to revitalize communities.

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