Gaza We Are Coming


Gaza We Are Coming is a riveting documentary that captures the bravery and determination of a group of activists who set out to challenge the Israeli blockade of Gaza. The film follows the Free Gaza Movement’s maritime mission in August 2008, where two wooden Greek ships carrying 44 activists from 17 countries sailed to Gaza to deliver aid and medical supplies.

The film provides a detailed account of the preparations, challenges, and eventual success of the mission. The activists faced multiple obstacles, including threats of violence from Israeli authorities and adverse weather conditions. However, their unwavering commitment to the cause and their belief in the power of peaceful protest kept them going.

The film also sheds light on the human cost of the blockade on the people of Gaza. Through interviews with local residents and aid workers, we see the devastating impact of the blockade on the population’s health, education, and economic wellbeing. The activists’ mission was not just about delivering aid but also about raising awareness of the dire situation in Gaza and challenging the international community’s complicity in maintaining the blockade.

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