Guys and Dolls


A decade ago, a small company in California began creating hyper-realistic dolls for sale. These dolls are more than just a sex toy for some of the men who buy them, they develop feelings for these dolls and treat them as if they are alive. The doll’s features can be customized, and they cost up to $6,000 each. Business has been booming, with over 3,000 dolls shipped worldwide, and the company receives about 400 orders of dolls per year.

Some of these orders are quite strange, such as one request for a doll with pubic hair starting from the belly button all the way to the mid-back section, and another request for an eighty-year-old granny doll.

“Guys and Dolls” is a documentary that explores this phenomenon and delves into the lives of the men who own these dolls. It examines the reasons why these men develop feelings for their dolls and how they go about living their lives with them.

This film raises important questions about human relationships and the boundaries of what we consider to be normal. It’s a thought-provoking and intriguing look at a subject that most people know little about.

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