Hannibal: The Fall of Carthage


Did Hannibal carelessly squander the power of Carthage? Were the ingenious strategist’s legendary victories paradoxically the reason for the downfall of this incredibly rich trading empire? Why did Hannibal, at the very height of his triumphant campaign, refrain from attacking the city of Rome? Why was the military genius of Hannibal not enough the defeat the rising power of Rome? This documenatary delves into the rise of the small trading city-state of Carthage that became one of the richest and most powerful seafaring nations in the Mediterrranian. Following the battles of the great Carthage general, Hannibal, the defeat of Rome seemed almost inevitable, yet Rome prevailed. Whole new questions come to light in this documentary: not only historians, but also psychologists, scientists and doctors piece together the images of the past. Archaeologists provide the data for lavish computer animations that recreate the fascinating events of the past. Facilitated by computers, a breakneck journey leads us through the eye of the duellists, directly into the brain, where – split seconds before the decision is taken – possible alternatives are drafted as visions of history: ‘What would have happened if…? – this teasing and likewise scientific question arouses the viewers’ fantasy – and compellingly illustrates how, for a brief moment in history, the development of today’s world hung by a thread.

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