Hollywood Roundtable


In the midst of the Civil Rights Movement, a group of Hollywood’s finest gathered together to discuss one of the most important events in American history – the March on Washington. In this motion picture film, the Hollywood Roundtable brings together a diverse group of personalities and perspectives to reflect on the events leading up to the march, the impact it had on American society, and the role of the entertainment industry in shaping public opinion.

With Harry Belafonte, Marlon Brando, Charlton Heston, Sidney Poitier, Joseph Mankiewicz, James Baldwin, and David Schoenbrun at the table, the conversation is bound to be thought-provoking and illuminating. Each participant brings a unique perspective, whether it be through their personal experiences, artistic endeavors, or political affiliations. The result is a powerful discussion that touches on issues of race, identity, power, and the role of media in society.

The Hollywood Roundtable is a remarkable time capsule that captures a pivotal moment in American history and offers insights that are just as relevant today as they were back then. It is a must-watch for anyone interested in civil rights, history, and the intersection between politics and entertainment.

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