Money for Free


In a world marked by financial disparities, the documentary “Money for Free” presents a compelling case for a paradigm shift in our economic system. Through captivating storytelling and real-life examples, the film introduces viewers to the concept of guaranteed basic income, shedding light on how it could minimize financial inequalities and create a more inclusive society.

The documentary takes us on a journey that spans continents, exploring social experiments and the stories of individuals working towards a large-scale redistribution of wealth. We meet Michael Bohmeyer, a young entrepreneur from Berlin, who experienced the transformative effects of limited financial stress when he quit his self-made company. His personal experience led him to create a crowdfunding project as a social experiment, where one lucky winner receives an annual basic income of €1,000 per month. Through the testimonies of recipients, we witness the profound impact that this guaranteed income has on their lives, providing them with security, peace of mind, and the ability to pursue their dreams.

Economist and basic income advocate Guy Standing further reinforces the argument for a new economic perspective. He conducted an experiment in India, providing 6,000 participants with guaranteed, unconditional cash income for 18 months. Standing’s findings and concerns about the shortcomings of income tax and social security systems ignite a call to action, prompting us to reconsider the value we place on individuals and their well-being.

The filmmakers take us on a comprehensive exploration of various models for providing guaranteed basic income, traversing Europe, India, and the United States. We encounter diverse perspectives, each contributing to the broader conversation about rebalancing the scales of wealth and fostering a society that benefits all its members.

“Money for Free” challenges us to rethink our understanding of wealth and the value we assign to people. It highlights the urgent need for a new way of thinking about money, ensuring that citizens feel safe, secure, and empowered to pursue their full potential. The documentary illuminates the potential of guaranteed basic income to create a more just and equitable society, where individuals can enjoy improved well-being, enhanced productivity, and a sense of stability.

Join us on this enlightening cinematic journey as we explore the multifaceted concept of guaranteed basic income and its potential to reshape our economic landscape. Prepare to be inspired, challenged, and compelled to consider new possibilities for a fairer future.

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