Nature – Dogs That Changed The World


In “Dogs That Changed The World,” NATURE takes us on a fascinating journey through the evolution of wolves into the diverse array of domesticated dogs that we know today. Through stunning visuals and expert insights, we learn about the ways in which dogs have impacted human society and how we, in turn, have influenced their development.

The documentary starts by tracing the evolutionary path of wolves, from their savage and wild beginnings to their eventual domestication by humans. We learn about the critical role that dogs played in human societies, such as their use in hunting and protection, and how they helped to shape our cultures.

As we follow the transformation of wolves into modern dogs, we see the incredible variety that has emerged, from the tiny Chihuahua to the massive English Mastiff. With this diversity comes a wide range of temperaments and behaviors, all of which have been shaped by human intervention over the centuries.

The documentary also explores the impact that dogs have had on human health, both physically and mentally. Studies have shown that dog owners have lower levels of stress and anxiety and are more physically active than those without dogs. Dogs have even been used as therapy animals, providing comfort and support to people in need.

Overall, “Dogs That Changed The World” is a fascinating and informative look at one of the most beloved animals on the planet. Through the lens of their evolution and impact on human society, we gain a new appreciation for the role that dogs have played in shaping our world and our lives.

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