Origins of Us


Origins of Us: Uncovering the Anatomical Changes that Define Human Evolution In this groundbreaking series, Dr. Alice Roberts delves into the intriguing history of the human body and how it has evolved over millions of years. From the shape of our skeletons to the workings of our brains, every aspect of our being is a reflection of our ancestors’ struggles and triumphs.

From the way we walk and the shape of our jaws to the movement of our thumbs and the search for food, every feature of the human body has been shaped by a relentless drive to survive. But as we uncover the secrets of our evolutionary journey, we also discover the costs and consequences of these changes – and how they continue to impact us today.

Join Dr. Roberts on an enlightening journey through the origins of us, as she explores the anatomy of human evolution and its influence on who we are today. From the bones that hold us up to the brains that set us apart, Origins of Us will change the way you see yourself and the world around you.


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