Sudan: The Break-Up


“Sudan: The Break-Up” serves as a poignant chronicle of a nation that was once considered the giant of Africa, embodying the aspirations of peaceful coexistence between Arab and African, Muslim and Christian. However, as the documentary unfolds, it becomes evident that this hope has all but dissipated. The looming division of Sudan into North and South becomes a backdrop to the increasing public resentment faced by the government of Omar al-Bashir in the North, marked by a palpable loss of national pride. To reclaim favor, al-Bashir navigates towards appealing to the religiously conservative majority, promising the implementation of full Sharia law in the face of the South’s secession.

At the core of this religious revival stands Khartoum University, a symbol of ideological influence and a breeding ground for the next generation of political leaders. “Sudan: The Break-Up” engages with the students and mentors within the academic staff, offering a nuanced exploration of the evolving dynamics shaping Sudan’s political and cultural landscape. The documentary does not confine itself to the university alone; it ventures into various segments of society, capturing the voices of urbane young professionals, women’s rights groups, and democracy advocates. Through these diverse perspectives, the film paints a comprehensive portrait of a nation at the crossroads, grappling with its identity and future.

The challenges faced by the government of South Sudan (GOSS) take center stage, highlighting the formidable task of creating an inclusive and representative administration amid historical tribal enmities. The documentary raises pertinent questions about the potential pitfalls awaiting South Sudan post-independence, with concerns looming over corruption and the exploitation of existing ethnic tensions by the North to further divide and weaken southern opposition. As Sudan stands on the precipice of fragmentation, “Sudan: The Break-Up” provides a thought-provoking exploration of the multifaceted forces shaping the destiny of a nation.

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