Surprising Europe – Taking the Leap


The first installment of the documentary series “Surprising Europe” delves into the intricacies and difficulties of attempting to enter and settle in Europe. The film highlights the dangers associated with illegal migration, including treacherous boat trips and rigorous border checks equipped with advanced technology.

Journalist Ssuuna provides a first-hand account of his journey as an undocumented migrant, offering a unique perspective on the early struggles faced by those seeking a new life in Europe. He embarks on his journey with a tourist visa, facing challenges in finding suitable housing.

Dayo, a migrant from Nigeria, shares his story of arriving in Malta after a dangerous sea voyage, only to spend seven months in a detention center waiting for his residency permit. The film also explores the challenges posed by closed borders, as seen at the border between France and England, where high-tech detection devices and sniffer dogs are used to track stowaways in trucks.

Rap and hip-hop artist Scorpio provides a thought-provoking commentary on life as an African migrant in Europe, as he reflects on the experiences of those who come in search of a better future.

This film offers a compelling insight into the complex and challenging reality of migrant life in Europe, exposing both the dangers and opportunities that come with the pursuit of a new beginning.

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