Swaziland: Gold Mine of Marijuana


Embark on a riveting journey with Hamilton Morris in the episode titled “Swaziland: Gold Mine Of Marijuana” from the “Pharmacopeia” series on Vice. In this enthralling exploration, the documentary crew ventures into the heart of Swaziland, a landlocked Kingdom surrounded by South Africa and Mozambique, where the cultivation of cannabis remains strictly illegal. Against the backdrop of the seemingly boundless marijuana fields, Morris takes on the challenge of chemically analyzing the local strains, only to discover that the lush green landscape conceals a nation grappling with political corruption and economic turmoil.

As the documentary unfolds, viewers are transported to the clandestine world of marijuana cultivation in Swaziland, a country that paradoxically boasts more hectares of land dedicated to growing the plant than even the vast expanse of India. The sheer scale of the illicit cannabis fields becomes a canvas for Morris to delve into the intricate chemistry of the local strains. The film encapsulates the tension between the flourishing marijuana industry and the stringent legal prohibitions, inviting audiences to ponder the complex interplay of cultural practices, economic survival, and legal frameworks.

Beyond the lush fields of green, “Swaziland: Gold Mine Of Marijuana” becomes a tale of stark contrasts. Morris, upon his arrival, unravels a narrative of political corruption and economic distress that shadows the marijuana-rich landscape. The documentary becomes a window into the challenges faced by a nation as it grapples with the consequences of illegal cultivation amid a backdrop of economic uncertainty. The clash between the vibrant cannabis industry and the harsh realities of a nation in turmoil creates a thought-provoking narrative that transcends the surface-level exploration of marijuana cultivation.

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