Tales From the G20


The year was 2010, and the world was on the cusp of a significant change. Leaders from the twenty largest economies were set to gather in Toronto with representatives of corporate interests to address the policies that would determine the future of the rest of the world. The eyes of the world were on Toronto as it prepared to host the G20 summit.

The stakes were high, and the level of security was unprecedented. Exclusion zones were established, overlapping layers of security fencing were erected, and an estimated 25,000 police and military personnel were deployed to ensure the safety of the event. The cost of these measures was staggering, with over 1.3 billion dollars being spent on security, a figure that surpassed all previous G8/G20 meetings combined.

As the summit progressed, the city of Toronto transformed into an armed camp, with civil liberties taking a back seat to security concerns. Unmarked vans with snatch squads of plainclothes police roamed the streets, and pre-emptive arrests of activists who were organizing peaceful demonstrations became commonplace. The events that unfolded in Toronto during the G20 summit were a stark reminder of the power dynamics at play in the world and the lengths that governments will go to in the name of security.

In this thought-provoking documentary, viewers are taken on a journey through the events that transpired in Toronto during the G20 summit. The film offers a unique perspective on the breakdown in civil liberties that occurred and the impact it had on those who were directly impacted by the events. The film also sheds light on the larger forces at play, including the role of corporate interests and the role of government in ensuring the security of such events.

The film is a must-watch for anyone interested in the interplay between government, and corporate interests, and the impact it has on civil liberties. The events that occurred during the G20 summit in Toronto are a cautionary tale, and this film serves as a reminder of the importance of remaining vigilant when it comes to the protection of our fundamental rights and freedoms.

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