The Best Ghost Cases Ever Caught On Tape


There’s something eerie about watching footage of supposed ghostly activity caught on camera. Whether you’re a believer or a skeptic, these five cases of unexplained phenomena will leave you feeling spooked and curious.

In Hampton, New England, security cameras captured footage of doors swinging open and closed on their own at the castle of King Henry the 8th. The guards who reviewed the footage were left speechless when they saw a skeleton-like figure responsible for the strange activity.

At the Lincoln County Courthouse in Charlotte, North Carolina, five people witnessed a ghostly figure scribbling on a bench. When security officials entered the locked room to investigate, the figure vanished into thin air.

In Pauling, New York, a grandmother swerved to avoid a stray dog on the highway and was shocked to see what appeared to be an angel-like figure in the photo taken by a local firefighter. The incident left her feeling like she was being looked after.

Steven Lee of Colorado Springs, Colorado, set up security cameras to catch potential vandals but instead captured footage of ghostly orbs moving around his cabin.

Finally, a young boy in San Paulo, Brazil, recorded footage of an orb-like figure hovering over the city without a care in the world. Despite attempts by scientists and professors to debunk the footage, it remains a subject of investigation.

While there may be explanations for these occurrences, the footage captured on camera remains a tantalizing glimpse into the unexplained world of ghostly activity.

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