The Body Machine


The human body is a marvel of nature, an intricate machine that performs incredible feats every day. The Body Machine, a landmark special on the human body, offers a stunning look at just how amazing our bodies really are.

Through impressive stunts, CGI, and real-life stories, the show brings to life the staggering scale of the inner workings of the human body. You’ll see just how far your blood travels in just one day – an incredible 19,000 kilometers from Quebec City to Buenos Aires and back. It’s mind-boggling to consider the sheer distance our blood has to cover to keep our bodies functioning properly.

And that’s just the beginning. You’ll also see the amount of cranial fluid you produce in your lifetime – an incredible 26,280 pint glasses worth. It’s hard to imagine how much that actually is until you see it laid out in front of you.

The show also highlights the incredible respiratory system of the human body. Did you know that in just one day, you take 23,000 breaths – enough air to fill 7,714 helium balloons? It’s amazing to think about the sheer amount of air that our bodies take in and process every single day.

The Body Machine is not just about the physical wonders of the human body. It also explores the emotional and psychological aspects of our bodies. Through powerful stories of real people, the show reveals how our bodies can withstand incredible stress and trauma and still manage to heal themselves. It’s truly inspiring to see the resilience of the human body in action.

Overall, The Body Machine is a must-see special for anyone interested in the incredible complexity and beauty of the human body. The show will leave you in awe of the wonders of our bodies, and you’ll walk away with a new appreciation for just how amazing our bodies really are.

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