The Creation of the Computer


The computer has become an integral part of our daily lives, and it’s hard to imagine a world without them. From smartphones to laptops, we use them for work, entertainment, and communication. But have you ever wondered about the history of these machines and how they came to be? If so, then “The Creation of the Computer” is a must-see documentary.

The film takes us on a journey back in time, exploring the roots of computing and the people who made it possible. We start with Charles Babbage, a 19th-century inventor who designed the first mechanical computer, known as the “difference engine.” Although the machine was never fully built in Babbage’s lifetime, it was a significant step forward in the development of computers.

The film then moves on to the punch-card counting machines that were used in the 1890 census, which was the catalyst for the creation of IBM. The company, founded in 1911, was initially a manufacturer of time-keeping equipment and tabulating machines. But with the rise of the computer, IBM shifted its focus to information technology and became a leader in the industry.

We learn about the technological advancements that led to the first modern computers, including the development of vacuum tubes and transistors. These components allowed computers to become smaller and more powerful, paving the way for the desktop units that we use today.

The documentary also explores the role of World War II in the development of computers. The war effort required massive amounts of calculations for things like missile trajectories and code-breaking, which led to the creation of the first electronic computers.

One of the most fascinating parts of the film is the discussion of the rivalry between two computer pioneers: Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. The two men had very different approaches to computing, with Jobs prioritizing design and aesthetics and Gates focusing on functionality and accessibility. The competition between their respective companies, Apple and Microsoft, led to some of the most significant advancements in computing, including the introduction of the personal computer.

“The Creation of the Computer” is a riveting look at the history of computing, from its humble beginnings to its current role as a cornerstone of modern society. It’s a reminder that behind every technological innovation, there are people who dared to dream and make the impossible possible.

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