The Hyena Men


The Hyena Men is a riveting and thought-provoking documentary that sheds light on a subculture of performers in Nigeria who interact with dangerous wild animals in their street performances. Produced by CCTV Africa, this short film offers a fascinating glimpse into a proud tribal tradition that has been passed down for generations. It also delves into the controversy surrounding the use of wild animals in the performances, and the ethical concerns raised by animal rights activists.

The film opens with a series of heart-stopping scenes in which performers interact with hyenas, baboons, and venomous snakes. The performances, which take place on the crowded streets of Nigeria, are a source of wonder and excitement for thousands of spectators who flock to see the shows. But they also highlight the potentially perilous relationship between man and animal, as the audience is acutely aware that a deadly attack could occur at any moment.

The Hyena Men explores the history and cultural significance of this tradition, which is intertwined with the family business of herbs and medicines. The more dramatic the animal show, the bigger the audience, and the more robust the sales for their medicines. The film introduces us to the performers, who are born into this tradition and begin their training as young as ten years of age. We see the scars that cover the arms of one baboon trainer, evidence of the close calls and risks that come with this way of life.

At the same time, the documentary also highlights the concerns raised by animal rights activists, who see the use of wild animals in this way as cruel and harmful to the natural order. The film does not shy away from these criticisms, instead giving voice to the detractors and presenting a balanced view of the controversy.

Ultimately, The Hyena Men is a compelling and eye-opening documentary that challenges viewers to consider their own views on the relationship between man and animal, tradition and progress, and the limits of human endeavor. It is a must-watch for anyone interested in the intersection of culture and ethics.

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