The Occult Experience (1985)


The documentary “The Occult Experience” provides a detailed and thought-provoking look at the international occult scene, as it existed in 1984-85. The film, which was initially screened by Channel 10 in Sydney in 1985, takes a deep dive into the practices and beliefs of various occult groups and individuals, providing a rare and fascinating glimpse into this often-misunderstood subculture.

The film is directed with a keen eye for detail and a sense of curiosity and explores a wide range of occult practices and beliefs, including ceremonial magic, spiritism, and various forms of divination. The documentary offers a comprehensive understanding of the occult practices and the individuals who engage in them.

One of the most striking aspects of the film is the way it presents the occult subculture as a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, rather than a monolithic entity. The film shows the diversity of practices and beliefs that exist within the occult scene and the ways in which these practices and beliefs intersect with broader societal trends and issues.

Through a series of candid interviews and intimate vignettes, the film introduces us to individuals and groups who are actively engaged in various occult practices and provides a unique and nuanced look at their motivations, beliefs, and experiences.

The film also examines the ways in which the occult is perceived by society and the ways in which this perception has changed over time.

Overall, “The Occult Experience” is a thought-provoking and informative film that offers a unique and compelling perspective on one of the most enigmatic subcultures of our time. It is a must-see for anyone who is interested in the history and practice of the occult.

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