The Sakawa Boys: Internet Scamming in Ghana


The documentary “The Sakawa Boys: Internet Scamming in Ghana” delves into the dark world of online fraud in West Africa, specifically Ghana. While Nigeria is notorious for its email scams, Ghanaian fraudsters have taken things to a whole new level by combining advanced scams with traditional witchcraft practices.

The film introduces us to the Sakawa Boys, a group of internet scammers who have turned to Juju priests for assistance in their scams. These priests perform strange and costly rituals designed to enhance the scammers’ persuasive abilities and make their emails irresistible to unsuspecting victims.

We hear firsthand accounts from some of the Sakawa Boys themselves, who explain how they got involved in internet fraud and how they use fake identities and scams to steal money from people all over the world. We also see the lavish lifestyle that some of these fraudsters live, with expensive cars and designer clothes.

The documentary also includes interviews with local law enforcement officials who explain the challenges they face in cracking down on internet fraud in Ghana. They discuss the difficulties in tracking down the scammers and the lack of resources available to fight this growing problem.

Overall, “The Sakawa Boys: Internet Scamming in Ghana” is a disturbing yet eye-opening look at the dark side of the internet and the lengths that some people will go to in order to scam others out of their hard-earned money. It exposes the dangerous combination of advanced technology and traditional witchcraft practices, and the devastating impact it has on victims worldwide.

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