The Secret of Oz


“The Secret Of Oz” is a thought-provoking documentary that explores the economic crisis that has plagued the world in recent times. The film posits that the answer to our financial woes may have been hidden in plain sight all along, within the pages of the beloved children’s book “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” by L. Frank Baum.

The documentary argues that many of the symbols in the book, such as the yellow brick road representing the gold standard, the emerald city of Oz representing greenback money, and Dorothy’s silver slippers representing the people’s control over a nation’s money, were not just fantastical elements of a fictional tale but also subtle commentary on the state of the economy during Baum’s time.

The filmmakers make a compelling case that the current economic crisis, marked by foreclosures and unemployment, could have been averted if we had followed the lessons embedded in the story of “The Wizard of Oz”. The documentary takes a critical look at the role of big banks in controlling the quantity of money in circulation and advocates for a system where the people have more control over their own finances.

One of the most interesting aspects of “The Secret of Oz” is how it takes something as innocent as a children’s book and reveals the deeper economic meaning behind it. The documentary is engaging and thought-provoking, and it is sure to leave viewers with a lot to think about.

Overall, “The Secret of Oz” is a fascinating documentary that sheds light on the economic problems that have plagued the world in recent times. It is well-researched and well-presented, and it presents a compelling case for a more equitable and sustainable economic system. Whether or not you agree with the film’s arguments, it is certainly worth watching and considering.

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