UFO: The Greatest Story Ever Denied


Have you ever considered the possibility of extraterrestrial life? Are we truly alone in the vastness of space? These questions have been asked for centuries and have inspired countless books, movies, and TV shows. However, the documentary “UFO: The Greatest Story Ever Denied” takes a unique approach to exploring these age-old questions.

The documentary features never-before-seen footage that reveals entities existing in the invisible ultra-violet spectrum, captured by Trevor James Constable over 50 years ago. The special features also delve into image tampering and the deliberate hiding of structures on the Moon and Mars by NASA. Additionally, the documentary showcases a collection of highly unusual structures and objects on the Moon and Mars that you aren’t supposed to know about.

One of the most intriguing aspects of the documentary is its coverage of suppressed inventions related to UFOs and other technologies. It’s no secret that there have been many scientific advancements throughout history that have been suppressed or hidden from the public, and this documentary sheds light on some of the most important discoveries related to UFOs.

The documentary also features infra-red footage captured by George Ritter, offering a unique perspective on UFOs and their behavior. This footage is particularly interesting as it showcases UFOs in a way that the human eye cannot normally see.

Overall, “UFO: The Greatest Story Ever Denied” is a must-watch for anyone interested in the possibility of extraterrestrial life and the ways in which this topic has been suppressed and hidden from the public. It offers a unique perspective on the topic and features footage and information that you won’t find anywhere else.

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