Witness – A Mother’s Courage


South Africa is grappling with a formidable challenge, as thousands of lives are claimed by Tuberculosis (TB) each year. This persistent illness has become one of the country’s most prominent killers, and it continues to grow more resistant to drugs with time. The most dangerous type of TB is XDR-TB, or extensively drug-resistant Tuberculosis, which has become a critical concern for healthcare professionals and communities alike.

In Port Elizabeth, the Jose Pearson Hospital is at the forefront of treating patients diagnosed with XDR-TB. One such patient is Zelda Hansen, a young mother who, despite not feeling sick, must stay in the hospital separated from her husband and children due to the high risk of them being infected. This heartbreaking reality is a source of constant anguish for Zelda, who compares her situation to being imprisoned for a crime she didn’t commit.

Zelda’s situation is not unique, and it serves as a testament to the sheer magnitude of the threat posed by XDR-TB. This challenge, however, is not insurmountable. Through the tireless efforts of healthcare professionals and the unwavering courage of patients like Zelda, there is hope that the tide can be turned against this deadly illness.

The tale of Zelda Hansen is a call to action for us all. It is a reminder that, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles, there is always a way forward. With determination and resolve, we can work together to bring about a brighter future for all those affected by XDR-TB and other deadly diseases.

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