Witness – The Green Train


As we traverse the realm of documentaries, we often come across compelling stories that capture our attention and spark our imagination. And “Witness – The Green Train” is no exception. This thought-provoking film, directed by Rashed Radwan and Carmen Marques, takes us on a journey through the heart of modern Iraq, exploring the rich and diverse history of its railway network, and the people who have been closely tied to its story.

At its core, “Witness – The Green Train” is a tale of resilience, endurance, and perseverance. The film follows the journey of Abdul Latif Salman, a 61-year-old train driver who has a unique and personal connection to the railways. Salman’s life mirrors the turbulence of Iraq’s recent decades, as he was once assigned to Saddam Hussein’s private luxury train, became a prisoner of war in Iran for ten years, and lost his son in a bomb attack. Despite all this, Salman continues to drive trains, using his memories of other times and places as a backdrop for the film’s story.

The filmmakers have expertly crafted a narrative that seamlessly blends Salman’s personal story with the larger context of modern Iraq. They call at stations that were once thought to be shut forever, showcasing the communities that have been under siege for years, and capturing the experiences of ordinary passengers who have lived through and survived the worst of times in a country that is still struggling to put itself back together.

One of the highlights of the film is the stunning cinematography, which brings to life the breathtaking beauty of Iraq’s countryside and the majesty of its trains. The film’s visuals are both poetic and powerful, and they serve to enhance the film’s narrative, providing us with a unique and intimate look at the people and places that make up this fascinating country.

Another key aspect of the film is its soundtrack, which features a beautifully composed score that seamlessly blends traditional Middle Eastern melodies with contemporary sounds. The film’s music perfectly complements the visuals, creating a rich and immersive experience that fully engages the viewer.

In conclusion, “Witness – The Green Train” is a testament to the power of storytelling, and a reminder that even in the midst of the worst of times, there is always hope, resilience, and humanity. Whether you are a fan of documentaries, trains, or simply compelling storytelling, this film is not to be missed.

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