Words from the Edge


Words From The Edge is a powerful, thought-provoking film that takes us on a journey through the unprecedented transition we are currently undergoing as a society. Moving away from the traditional culture of industrial growth and inequality, this film examines the shift towards localized, sustainable, and more equitable economies.

The film follows five “ordinary people” as they navigate the uncertain future and explore the steps they can take to face it. These personal stories serve as a window into the complexities of the current shift and how it impacts individuals on a day-to-day basis.

What makes this film particularly compelling is the inclusion of expert perspectives from leaders and pioneers in the field of resilience-building. These interviews provide a deep dive into the topic and help to connect the dots between the personal experiences of the five main characters and the larger societal changes happening around us.

At its core, Words From The Edge is a call to action. It asks us to examine the changes we need to make as individuals, communities, and a society in order to create a future that is more equitable, sustainable, and resilient.

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