The Brain, the Last Enigma

The human brain, a marvel honed by millions of years of evolution, stands as the ultimate enigma in the realm of biological wonders. Although...

Placebo: Cracking the Code

Fascinating documentary about the science and psychology of placebos, featuring members of the the Harvard Placebo Study Group, "Placebo: Cracking the Code" examines the...

7/7 Bombers: A Psychological Investigation

The 7/7 bombings on July 7th, 2005 marked a tragic turning point in British history as it marked the first ever suicide attack on...

Queens of Heart

Queens of Heart brings to the screen the first psychological study of drag performance, set in the oldest surviving female impersonation club in the...

Guys and Dolls

A decade ago, a small company in California began creating hyper-realistic dolls for sale. These dolls are more than just a sex toy for...

Bellevue: Inside Out

Bellevue: Inside Out is an episode of America Undercover which explores the emergency room and psychiatric ward at Bellevue Hospital in New York City.

The Creative Brain How Insight Works

In the world of science and psychology, the creative process is a topic of great interest and research. "The Creative Brain How Insight Works"...

Rule from the Shadows: The Psychology of Power

The pursuit for dominance is the primary propellant of history, always has been, always will be. Those who don't identify this assumption are not...

Alien Boy: The Life and Death of James Chasse

How the death and life of James Chasse changed a city.

The Fantastical World of Hormones

Many scientific findings are often dismissed by the public. Whether it is the severe importance of a particular diet or exercise, or the impact...
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